martes, 28 de noviembre de 2017

lunes, 20 de noviembre de 2017

Macmillan Account

Macmillan Account
1. Create an account using the username and password that your teacher has given you.
2. Log in and do the following exercises:
VIDEO: "Comic Relief" and "Bollywood"
 LISTENING: "Crime News"
3. Watch the following video and answer the questions in your notebook:
a. Each piece of news is related to a word, what is the word?
Headline 1:_________
Headline 2:_________
Headline 3:_________
Headline 4:_________
Headline 5:_________
Headline 6:_________
Headline 7:_________
b. What is the piece of news associated to each word?
Headline 1:_________
Headline 2:_________
Headline 3:_________
Headline 4:_________
Headline 5:_________
Headline 6:_________
Headline 7:_________

domingo, 5 de noviembre de 2017

Irregular Verbs Songs 4º B

And the winner is....
Jana Díez!!! She has sent this song by Bruno Mars  "Marry You" with 13 irregular verbs.

Thank you Lucía, Claudia and Ana for participating!

Influence 2 Unit 3 Goals

 INFLUENCE 2 UNIT 3 GOALS Student Self-assessment   Tuesday 14th January:  Do the activities: - 1 Past simple / past continuous  - 2 Listeni...